Google Cloud Static Web Short and Simple
2 min readMar 27, 2020
Static Web with custom domain on google cloud
I wanted to put a “Coming Soon” page for the new web application that I was planning on building and it took a little more time than I would have liked, this effort is to make that task simpler. It’s my first ever public writeup.

Doman Name and CNAME record config
- get a domain name, I got it at — my dream magic site to create a small business application 😛
- Add CNAME record in the DNS tab(typically) for your domain with the DNS provider and point it to google storage “”

Google Storage Bucket
- create a project and enable billing, I named it “lakumbra”
- navigate to your projects
- create a bucket with the same name as your domain name, like

- Click on permissions ->add members and then add the special member “allUsers” with “Storage Object Viewer” permission

- Click on the ellipses on the right side of the bucket row and choose “Edit website Configuration” and add the index and error page for your site.

- Use the “upload files” to upload your html/css/images …
Used Shopify’s Burst for royalty free images